Some of my favorite tongue twisters & poems

Thought I’d share some of my favorite poems with you (not by me) as part of my regular literary posts on this blog. These are from books at home.

I always giggle reading this poem. My best friend told me about this one and I’ve loved it ever since.  This is a tongue twister I love repeating as fast as I can under my breath, and it never fails to make me laugh

Who can watch My Fair Lady and not remember the scene with the tongue twisters?!Last but not least, a Saturday Night Live episode featuring “the weird European neighbours,Nuni and Nuni” remind me of this twister because it sounded so similar to the unpronounceable names of the characters in that hilarious be memorable comedy sketch.

Fiction writing: Lady Macbeth’s Diary

macbethAfter reading the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, I thought it would be rather interesting to get into the dark character of Lady Macbeth and write a diary entry of her reflecting on her husband’s character while plotting the murder of King Duncan.

Ere I say anything, I prithee none shalt hearken unto my dark secret. Last night Macbeth sent forth a letter telling me of his good fortune. He now is Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor and the witches have told him that he shall be King of Scotland soon after. I am so glad! My beloved husband, I am overjoyed for thee. He is indeed, worthy of these titles. However to reach the greatest title of them all we must kill King Duncan. Sadly, I know my husband is too full of the milk of human kindness to ever carry out this evil deed. I have told him that I will pour myself into him and help him become strong and that I have faith he will be able to overcome his fears.

I do love Macbeth. He hath been brave in battle and I have truly missed him. I was so distressed that he may not return to me. Yet I fear his meek, timid and weak character will cause him to fail.  He is my little runt. I vow to help him succeed. He is as day and night, one moment he art aflame with the fire of a man the next moment he wilts like a withered flower. Wherefore did the Lord bestow upon me this feminine coward as my husband? Ay, Macbeth needs me. He must learn to screw his courage to the sticking place then will he be able fulfill his promise. I shall help him as his loving wife and lead him to victory because I know soon he will have second thoughts about killing King Duncan. I have sworn to make the witches prophecy come true. I have told Macbeth that I would rather kill my own babe than break this enterprise. I know that hath been a bloody unwonted thing to say as a woman but I had to ensure he remembered. I can almost taste the future where I shall rule as Queen of Scotland by Macbeth’s side!

Here is our cunning plan:

At night when everyone hath fallen asleep, I shall convince the guards who are protecting King Duncan with drugged wine, then the next morning when they are discovered, the drenched and spongy guards shall bear the guilt of this quell. Macbeth shall enter in the darkness of his Majesty’s chamber and murder him with a dagger and we shall frame the drunken guards as the King’s murderers. Ere long Macbeth and I shall become King and Queen! Oh how difficult it is for me not to rejoice aloud at this wonderful but dark thought.

~ Lady Macbeth


Stranded in the Desert

If I was stranded on a desert island and could only bring three songs with me, one book and one luxury item these would be what I would bring:

Jacky Cheung – 每天愛你多一些 (Loving You More Everyday)

This song has a lot of strong memories associated with it from my childhood. When I was a toddler my Dad would play this song and dance with me holding my hands and placing my feet on his so that when he moved his feet I’d move too. I love this song because it reminds me of my Dad and this would be a good song to summarize my happy childhood.

Break of Reality – Drift Apart

Descriptive of my time as a teenager because of its ups and downs, the cello in this song explains the depression I went through in high school. The song has a hopeful tone to it as it plays through a pendulum of emotions. The title drift apart is also accurate at describing how I felt as I began to lose my identity during the course of my illness. The ending feels like a question as though almost asking me what I will do to achieve and overcome future challenges. Listening to this piece also helps me think and get lost in my thoughts and is very relaxing to listen to.

Apocalyptica – Bittersweet

My boyfriend introduced this band to me many years ago when we still hadn’t gotten together and I really liked this particular song. The instrumental feels a lot more powerful to me although the lyrics ‘Break this bittersweet spell on me/Lost in the arms of destiny’ are quite appropriate to sum up our relationship since he is in the States and I am here in Asia and it feels like fate can only help us to see each other again since he is in the military. I love this song because it reminds me of him while also the instruments are so beautiful playing their deep harmonies.

Luxury Item

This may be challenged as cheating but I would take the Harry Potter tent. After all, since I’m going to be stuck on the island forever I may as well settle and have everything I need…right?

Click to access Khalil%20Gibran%20-%20The%20Prophet.pdf


The Prophet by Khalil Gibran. I haven’t read this completely but my favorite quote on love and marriage is in this book and I think it would be perfect to reflect on Gibran’s poetry while on the island. The author is also Middle Eastern and reminds me of my grandmother because she knows many of his quotes by heart in Arabic as well as Rumi’s quotes Farsi.