The Snow Leopard


Stealthy, solitary, sad.

Dark blue and mysterious eyes.

Sleek, spotted, soft fur.


Walking over a lush green meadow

to play with the dandelions,

its only friends.


Then chewing their heads off

and slowly walking away towards the lake.

Taking a deep drink,

causing the clear water to ripple.


Making its way back to the

auburn colored forest,

tail swishing, and disappearing.


Silent as death…


Until the cool breeze sends

A wave of rustling leaves

to the snow covered blue mountains,

up, up, and up…

then, gone.


On the Ice

02-airborne-penguin-exits-water_1600A penguin cute and cuddly, waddles over the ice to me.

Its little arms flip and flap, and makes me want to laugh and clap.

But suddenly it takes a dive, down into the cold below.

I hope that it is still doing fine, and will come up to let me know.

I wait till night darkens the sky. I’m sad I couldn’t get to say goodbye.

The Maid’s View

The heir of the Copperfield home was born after an intense amount of labour and pain endured by my Lady.

She named him David. A strong, Hebrew biblical name implying the strength of her baby. The midnight chimes of the grandfather clock in the drawing room were in full swing when he began to whimper and cry after patted his back and massaged his chest. I had cut his umbilical cord and bathed his little body in the silver basin next to the bed and gently passed him to his mother who held him close for a moment until she handed him, her first and only son, to the wet nurse for feeding.

“Well that was exhausting!” She exclaimed with a look of such unabashed relief on her face that I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from snapping at her out of exasperation.