Swallowed by the Sea


As I walk across your grainy path,

shells, bodies, glass and debris,

washed ashore by your now calm waves,

brush against my small feet.

As I looked out at your blue, green body

reflecting the hot sun and the clear sky,

I wonder how and still ponder why

someone out there in a boat could die

of thirst in an endless world of water.

As I sit on your burning hot sand

and watch you moving to and fro,

I thought of all who enjoyed your fresh wet touch

and all the people you hurt so much.

As I feel your salty sea breeze

and feel your warm sunshine kiss my face

I remember how you forced out every trace

of life from those who swam in your depths.

All the people loved your summer glow, your waves and flow.

Yet you swallow up your lovers and when they’re dead you let them go.