Exploring Cambridge Sights

Scrapbook of 1st semester in Cambridge

Turning A New Leaf in Cambridge

I’ve never been any good at keeping diaries. Even though I have a decent amount of free time my mind turns blank as soon as I hit the write a new post button. My hands curve in mid air expectantly over the keyboard as I try to force a flurry of coherent sentences into reality in order to share my thoughts…

Since moving to Cambridge, UK early September last year to begin studying a second bachelor degree, this time moving on after finishing law school in Hong Kong to pursue graphic design I have encountered some wonderful people who have become my friends. Sure, the weather here may not be ideal but it isn’t as terrible as my family makes it out to be. It suits me fine.

The nature here is pristine. Although manicured and orderly it is beautiful. The hyacinths and daffodils I planted with my grandfather while he was visiting in November last year are now blooming and giving off their fragrance. We also have a fantastic herb garden which I’m looking forward to adding to – vegetables and more flowers hopefully if the weather permits.

To end this post I feel like sharing this TED Talk, which I feel is a great way to sum up how I feel about moving to the UK from Hong Kong/Macau especially in terms of the beauty of the landscapes here and the people who I am connecting with on a daily basis.

I hope you find the talk inspiring and appreciate it’s lessons, because tomorrow is not a given and each day is a gift we should cherish. I will also be sharing photos of my life here in another post.